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Sangga Bumi creates the conditions for the development of innovative solutions to achieve forest and biodiversity conservation, thriving ecosystems, and resilient communities. Through our Sangga STEM programme, we untap the power of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to equip rural Indonesians with the analytical and technical skills necessary to tackle complex environmental and societal challenges, accelerate the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and data-driven approaches, and facilitate public-private partnerships for market expansion, start-up acceleration, and effective multi-use landscape management. 

Empowering rural Indonesians with STEM

We support species conservation, habitat viability, and community resilience through the collection of data needed to understand ecosystems, monitor changes, and predict future impacts. We study species to understand their habitat needs and develop effective conservation strategies, and manage forests sustainably by developing the methodology to study forest dynamics and the effects of human activities. We collect social data to monitor people’s well-being and centre residents in biodiversity conservation strategies. Our scientific approach informs practices that balance resource use with environmental protection and facilitates data-driven decision making that promotes long-term sustainability.


We harness technological advances and the increasing availability of technological equipment to support innovative solutions to environmental and economic challenges. By leveraging technology, we create more efficient satellite monitoring systems, facilitate app-based agriculture and forestry traceability, improve transparency in multi-stakeholder resource management, and support more robust spatial planning. Taking advantage of Indonesia’s increasingly online society, we enhance economic opportunities for rural people through online marketing and digitalisation of economic activity.  


Through our support for engineering, we design, build, and implement efficient resource-use solutions, such as water retention systems and wildlife-friendly infrastructure. Working with engineers, we create the framework for robust monitoring and evaluation of infrastructure effectiveness. Through our advocacy of environmentally conscious engineering, we mitigate the negative impacts of urban and rural development. By supporting the adoption of frameworks and standards for sustainable practises, we work to support of Indonesia’s green growth.


Through training in mathematic principles, we enhance rural people’s ability to analyse and solve complex challenges to effective resource management and economic growth. We provide the analysis and budgeting tools to develop efficient systems for forest management and village empowerment. We support knowledge building for optimised resource use, the development of market aware business plans, and robust monitoring & evaluation protocols.

Through Sangga STEM, we enhance the practical application of learned skills and technologies. We do this through our three flagship programmes:

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