In the villages of Hargowilis and Hargotirto, coconut sugar farmers face increasingly tough conditions. Droughts have led to a decline in production, worsened by unpredictable weather. The job’s risks and unstable income deter younger generations, leaving an aging workforce to cope with increasing challenges.
Coconut sugar farming in Kokap
In the villages of Hargowilis and Hargotirto in the Kokap sub-district of Kulon Progo, Java, coconut sugar farmers face increasingly challenging lives. In 2009, Kulon Progo faced a long drought. The drought conditions led to a drastic decrease in coconut sugar production...

Supporting farmers with regenerative agriculture
The coconut sugar exporter Aliet Green has been working with coconut sugar farmers in Kokap since 2009. As the international demand for coconut sugar as an alternative sweetener has increased, Aliet Green has expanded its operations in Hargowillis and Hargotirto...
Expansion of dwarf coconut, vanilla and ginger farming
Building on the success of the Sugar & Steam project, Sangga Bumi is expanding our collaborative approach with Aliet Green in Kokap. Recognising that more interventions were needed to enhance farmer safety, Aliet Green and Sangga Bumi have developed an approach built around four key objectives:
Introduce dwarf coconuts to farmers and establish the conditions needed for dwarf coconuts to become productive. Not only would dwarf coconut trees reduce the safety risks to existing farmers, but they would also provide opportunities for women and less able or willing farmers to access the trade.
Enhance economic opportunities for farmers through the provision of vanilla and ginger, relatively low maintenance agroforestry crops. These two crops can be grown together with dwarf coconuts in intercropped agricultural systems.
Develop strategies for how to increase the role of women in traditionally male agricultural sectors. Through Gender Equality and Social Inclusion surveys, we are building a bottom-up approach to inclusive farming.
Increase traceability through the development and implementation of app-based software. Aliet Green is certified by various certification schemes and accesses organic supply chains. Enhanced digitalisation of farmer activity will help Aliet Green’s farmer-suppliers meet these certification requirements.