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Progress Update: Dwarf Coconut Demonstration Plantations in Kulon Progo

We excited to share an update on the Tropical Landscape Grand Fund (TLGF) project, a collaborative initiative between Aliet Green and Sangga Bumi Lestari, with support from UNEP and the Government of Canada

This project is making strides in promoting regenerative organic agricultural practices in Kokap Subdistrict, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


Project Overview

The project involves 100 champion farmers from the villages of Hargowilis and Hargotirto, who are cultivating Genjah Entog Kebumen (GEK) dwarf coconut trees. This variety is an excellent alternative to older, taller coconut trees, which pose significant risks to sap tappers, especially during the rainy season. The shorter stature of GEK trees makes sap tapping safer and more accessible.


Key Activities

Since December 2023, each farmer has planted five GEK dwarf coconut trees. Additionally, a larger demonstration plot with 40 GEK trees has been established. This plot uses an agroforestry intercropping system, integrating timber, fruit trees, coffee, and spices like vanilla, ginger, turmeric, and cardamom. The land was carefully selected based on criteria such as adequate sunlight, minimal obstructions, and proper spacing.

In November 2023, farmers participated in their first training session facilitated by a coconut expert. They learned essential techniques for land preparation, water management, and proper planting methods. Continuous monitoring and support are provided by Sangga Bumi and Aliet Green's Green Warrior team to ensure the project's success.


Challenges and Solutions

While the project has seen positive progress, a few challenges have emerged:

  • Planting Practices: Some farmers faced challenges with following the planting guidelines, such as mixing the soil correctly or maintaining the recommended planting distance.

  • Seed Quality Issues: A small number of seedlings (about 45) did not thrive due to initial quality and drought conditions.

  • Room for Improvement: Regular monitoring has identified areas where further training can improve practices, such as pest and disease management.

To address these challenges, another training session with the coconut expert is planned. This session will focus on advanced cultivation techniques and pest control strategies to ensure the long-term success of the plantations.


Future Goals

The dwarf coconut demonstration plantations aim to:

  • Enhance Farmer Safety and Livelihoods: By using shorter GEK trees, farmers can tap sap more safely and efficiently.

  • Promote Regenerative Practices: The project contributes to safer and more sustainable agricultural practices in Kulon Progo.

Through continuous training, monitoring, and community collaboration, this project aspires to serve as a model for future regenerative organic agricultural initiatives in Indonesia.

Sangga Bumi Lestari is an Indonesian non-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing ecological connectivity, conserving biodiversity, and supportings community-led sustainable development in some of Indonesia’s at-risk forest landscapes.

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