Our Team
Our team of experts at Sangga Bumi Lestari work across our key thematic areas including monitoring land-use change and supporting scientific research.
Chris Wiggs
Executive Director
Chris is a primatologist with extensive experience in conserving key forest habitats in concession-dominated landscapes. Before joining AidEnvironment Asia in 2017, he worked for an orangutan conservation organisation in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, where his work focused on protecting orangutan habitat and other conservation areas inside oil palm plantations. As Executive Director of Sangga Bumi Lestari, Chris works with the Programme Director to manages day to day operations of the organisation and ensure a smooth implementation of all projects. He also contributes his expertise to projects to increase the sustainability performance of Indonesia’s forestry and agricultural sectors, and conserve, recover, and connect forests in Kalimantan.
Monalisa Pasaribu
Programme Director
Monalisa is a native of Ketapang in West Kalimantan and has a degree in forest management from Tanjungpura University. Mona has worked in sustainable development for over 20 years, principally in Kalimantan but also in North Sumatra, West Java, Papua, and Ethiopia. In recent years, Mona has become an expert in the development of strategies to increase implementation of the Indonesian government’s social forestry policy. This takes two forms: supporting communities to protect their local environment and mitigate against the impacts of environmental degradation, and engaging with key government departments to encourage the development of jurisdictional approaches to support conservation and sustainable development. Mona oversees all of Sangga Bumi Lestari’s projects in Indonesia.
Finance Manager
Niawati joined Sangga Bumi Lestari in 2022 and has a background in finance and accounting studies. At Sangga Bumi Lestari, Niawati is responsible for the smooth running of all finance, bookkeeping and accounting procedures, ensuring Sangga Bumi Lestari is compliant with all finance and accounting regulations in Indonesia. She also works with our auditors to ensure Sangga Bumi Lestari’s accounts are audited and meet international accounting standards. Before joining Sangga Bumi Lestari, Niawati worked as finance and accounting manager in several multinational companies.
Dessy Rian Utami
Operations Manager
Dessy joined Sangga Bumi Lestari in 2022. She manages all operations for the organisation, ensuring the smooth running of the Jakarta, Ketapang and satellite offices, and making sure all projects can be effectively implemented. Dessy has developed all the Standard Operating Procedures and HR procedures that Sangga Bumi Lestari operates under and ensures compliance with all laws and regulations in Indonesia. Prior to joining the organisation, Dessy worked in office administration and human resources for several companies in the renewable energy sector.
Ronny Christianto
Programme Manager – Government & Communities
Ronny has over 25 years of experience in community- based forest conservation. A native of Pontianak, Ronny manages projects in West Kalimantan to support communities seeking social forestry designation, develop collaborative strategies to manage social forestry areas, works with communities to establish sustainable livelihood initiatives, engages with the provincial and district governments to advance conservation and sustainable development goals, and develops strategies for corporate companies to conserve forests in and around concessions.
Muhammad Firdaus
Programme Manager - Landscape Ecology and Conservation
Firdaus has a degree from the Faculty of Forestry at Tanjungpura University and worked for 10 years as an ecological consultant in biodiversity conservation, particularly in vertebrate fauna, using various methods in Indonesia and Malaysia and conducting High Conservation Value and High Carbon Stock assessments. Firdaus manages the biodiversity aspects of our project in Kapuas Hulu, leading all biodiversity and vegetation surveys and overseeing all landscape conservation activities.
Irene Purman Cahyani
Programme Manager – Agro-Forestry & Watersheds
Irene has more than 20 years of experience providing technical assistance to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) activities, disaster risk reduction initiatives, Integrated Watershed Management Plans, and climate resilience projects. Based in Kulon Progo, she engages with government departments and key regional development stakeholders, leads Focus Group Discussions and training workshops with communities and private sector companies, supports monitoring and evaluation activities, and increases capacity of smallholder farmers to become more climate resilient.
Cristiar Samosir
Landscape Research Manager
Cristiar is a native of West Kalimantan and joined Sangga Bumi Lestari in 2024 after completing her MPhil in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management at the University of Oxford in the UK. She leads all of Sangga Bumi Lestari’s landscape research, supervising field teams, ensuring the quality and accuracy of data collection, analysing data, and producing scientific papers and presentations.
Okita Miraningrum Nur Atsari
Development Manager
Okita has an educational background in industrial ecology. At Sangga Bumi Lestari, she works alongside the Executive Director and Programme Director to develop strategies for expanding and enhancing both new ideas and existing projects. She also identifies potential partnerships with other organizations and engages with the government. In her previous experience with Sangga Bumi Lestari, Okita conducted research on the oil palm and timber sectors in Indonesia and led engagements with corporate companies and other key industry stakeholders.
Sri Wahyuni
Programme Coordinator – Research & Corporate Engagement
Uni has an educational background in forest management. Since joining Sangga Bumi Lestari in 2018, Uni has led the development of our concession database, verifying concession boundaries and identifying concession owners and supply chain links. This database informs our understanding of land-use issues in Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea. She focuses on analysing palm oil and timber supply chains, overseeing fieldwork verification, verifying land-use change, and engaging with companies to increase sustainability and develop landscape conservation initiatives.
Filian Basri Irpan
Programme Coordinator – Engagement and Spatial Analysis
Filian joined Sangga Bumi Lestari in 2022. He has a bachelor’s degree in forestry from Tanjungpura University and a master’s degree in forest management science from the Bogor Agricultural University. Fili has experience in Geographical Information System (GIS) and remote sensing, conducting High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessments, land-use change monitoring, and developing spatial plans to inform the implementation of landscape-based conservation projects. A registered HCS assessor, Fili coordinates our GIS team.
Restu Aminullah
Programme Coordinator – Landscape Engagement and Spatial Planning
Originally from Riau, Restu Aminullah is an expert in GIS. With a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Universitas Riau, he has extensive experience in land use analysis, drone operations, sustainable land use planning, and project management. Restu joined Sangga Bumi in 2024 and leads our spatial planning work in West Kalimantan.
Fitra Alhani
Programme Coordinator – Landscape Conservation & Biology
Fitra has a bachelor’s degree in forestry from Tanjungpura University, West Kalimantan. Since graduating in 2015, Fitra has worked as a freelance botanist and High Conservation Value assessor, collaborating with several government and non-governmental organizations, mainly in West Kalimantan. Fitra has over 12 years of experience as a conservation botanist and supports our projects focusing biodiversity and landscape ecology conservation.
Rani Ferdianty
Wildlife Survey Coordinator
Rani Ferdianty has a bachelor’s degree in biology from Universitas Nasional. She has several years of experience conducting vertebrate and vegetation surveys, mainly in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Rani joined Sangga Bumi in 2024 as Wildlife Survey Coordinator and leads our biodiversity surveys in Kapuas Hulu.
Muhamad Dani
Programme Coordinator – Regenerative Agriculture
Dani leads the technical aspects of our regenerative agriculture programme, drawing on his educational background in Agrotechnology from the University of Jember and his work experience in agriculture and hydroponics. Dani’s work equips farmers in rural Indonesia to adopt regenerative agriculture techniques
Darbin Simatupang
Monitoring - Evaluation and Grants Supervisor
Darbin has an educational background in Forestry from Tanjungpura University. Darbin has worked in conservation programme management with non-governmental organisations in West Kalimantan for several years. At Sangga Bumi Lestari, he is responsible for monitoring and evaluation and ensuring the smooth implementation of our West Kalimantan projects.
Lekti Elda
Project Coordinator – Community Empowerment
Lekti joined Sangga Bumi Lestari in 2023 as Project Coordinator – Community Empowerment, working predominantly on our project in Kapuas Hulu. Lekti is a native of Kubu Raya in West Kalimantan and has spent the last few years working on projects to enhance community management of forests and facilitate inclusion of women in sustainable development. Her role at Sangga Bumi Lestari builds on this experience, focusing on supporting indigenous communities to achieve customary forest (Hutan Adat) designation and develop economic opportunities.
Bendril Sepito
Project Coordinator – Landscape Conservation & Ecology
Bendril has a bachelor’s degree in forestry from the Tanjungpura University in West Kalimantan. Bendril has been working in biodiversity conservation for over 6 years, focused on developing botanical inventories, conducting Environmental Impact Assessments, and supporting biodiversity and vegetation surveys. At Sangga Bumi Lestari, Bendril focuses on supporting indigenous communities to achieve customary forest (Hutan Adat) designation and supporting biodiversity and vegetation surveys, particularly focused on primate species.
Maria Caroline Puspa Herin
Project Coordinator - Community Development
Originally from Flores, Maria has a degree in Forestry from the Yogyakarta STIPER Agricultural Institute. Maria has spent several years managing community development programmes in both West Kalimantan and Floreas. She brings tis experience to Sangga Bumi Lestari and leads our work to establish community businesses.
Mohammad Taufik Hidayat
Project Coordinator - Sustainable landscapes
Taufik has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in law from Tanjungpura University. He has worked for the last seven years on a variety of programmes to advance green economies and sustainable development in West Kalimantan. At Sangga Bumi Lestari, Taufik builds on his legal and political experience to support engagement with government departments, corporate companies, communities, and other key stakeholders to advance our landscape conservation projects.
Diego Rumania
Project Coordinator - Sustainable Landscape
Diego has extensive experience implementing programmes that promote the empowerment of local communities, advocating for forest conservation, preventing wildlife trade, mentoring local farmers, and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises. With a Bachelor of Social and Political Science from Tanjungpura University, Diego supports our multi-stakeholder engagement activites.
Suria Mamansyah
Project Coordinator - Multi-Stakeholder Engagement
Maman is a Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Project Coordinator with an educational background in Public Administration from Tanjungpura University. He brings extensive experience in public policy advocacy, community engagement, and investigative journalism. Actively involved in various organizations and training programs, Maman has refined his skills in governance and environmental management. With unwavering dedication and commitment, he has joined Sangga Bumi, where he continues to drive initiatives aimed at enhancing transparency, efficiency, and sustainability across multiple sectors.
Ficky Rizki Kurniawan
Communication & IT Coordinator
Ficky is a professional in the fields of IT and graphic design. With a background in Informatics, Ficky has worked at various companies and has experience in IT development, administering systems, and developing marketing materials. Ficky joined Sangga Bumi in 2024, bringing his expertise and experience to support the organization’s development and growth. Ficky now works as Communication and IT Coordinator in Sangga Bumi.
Alwan Taufiqul Rahman
Programme Officer – GIS & Spatial Analysis
Alwan has an educational background in forestry, having graduated from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). He joined Sangga Bumi Lestari in 2023 and works as a GIS Officer. Based in Ketapang, Alwan supports our projects with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) expertise, mapping analysis, data collection, remote sensing, drone operation, and assisting field teams.
M. Fahmi Akhyar
Programme Assistant – GIS and Spatial Analysis
Fahmi joined Sangga Bumi Lestari in 2023. A native of Pontianak, he has a background in forestry, GIS, and spatial analysis, and is a drone helicopter pilot. Fahmi has extensive experience working with several NGOs in West Kalimantan, as a surveyor, field assistant, and investigator. At Sangga Bumi Lestari, Fahmi conducts land-use change monitoring and land-use change analysis of key landscapes.
Programme Officer – GIS and Spatial Analysis
Kusnadi is a native of Ketapang and joined Sangga Bumi Lestari in 2023 to work in our GIS team. Kusnadi has spent the last few years working as a drone pilot, GIS officer and coordinator of an orangutan monitoring and patrolling team for a conservation NGO in Ketapang. He has experience in data collection, SMART patrolling, mapping, and assisting field teams. At Sangga Bumi Lestari, Kusnadi conducts land-use change monitoring and land-use change analysis of key landscapes.
Muhammad Zamzam Muzamil
Biodiversity Staff
Zamzam is a biology graduate from Padjadjaran University in West Java. He has several years of experience in biodiversity conservation, with a focus on conducting vertebrate and vegetation surveys. His experience spans many of Indonesia’s most biodiverse areas, from Kalimantan to Komodo National Park. Zamzam joined Sangga Bumi in 2024, as part of our biodiversity team in the Bentarum landscape of Kapuas Hulu.
Nico Awwaludin Faishal Haq
Programme Assistant – Agroforestry and Watersheds
Nico has a degree in Regional Development from the Faculty of Geography at Gadjah Mada University. For the last two years, Nico has been building his experience in regional development and community empowerment. At Sangga Bumi Lestari, he supports our watershed management and community development projects.
Nurul Fitriyana
Research Assistant
Nurul joined Sangga Bumi Lestari in 2024 and supports our research activities. With a bachelor’s degree in biology from Tanjungpura University, Nurul supports data collection and analysis, ensuring our biodiversity, vegetation and social data are accurate and collected according to all best-practice guidelines.
Nurul Ramadhanty Aos
Research Assistant
Nurul Ramadhanty Aos is a Forestry graduate from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, with extensive experience in social forestry, conservation, and protected area management. She brings expertise in various technical skills, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), statistical analysis, and digital design. Currently, Nurul contributes her knowledge and skills as a Research Assistant at Sangga Bumi Lestari.
Hasri Nurfadillah Rahyu Ningsih
Administrative Assistant
Hasri (Dila) provides administrative support to our team in Kapuas Hulu, ensuring a smooth running of our project in the Betung Kerihun-Danau Sentarum landscape. She has a degree from the faculty of forestry at Tanjungpura University and over five years of experience providing environmental NGOs and government departments with administrative support.
Supervisory Board
Agus Sutomo
Chairman of Governing Board
Agus Sutomo resides in Pontianak and possesses extensive experience in conflict resolution and sustainability issues within the palm oil industry. As the Director of Teraju Foundation, Agus Sutomo supports community empowerment and advocates for the rights of forest-dependant people. He has particular experience in supporting the rights of Kalimantan’s Indigenous people, ensuring access to their customary lands.
Siti Puji Lestariningsih
Member of Governing Board
Siti Puji Lestariningsih is a lecturer at Tanjungpura University, specializing in mapping and water resources management. Throughout her career, she has actively engaged in research focusing on land cover changes across various landscapes in West Kalimantan.
Ananda Oemi Iswardhani
Chairman of Supervisory Board
Ananda Iswardhani has extensive experience in stakeholder engagement, landscape development, and commodities management, having collaborated with a diverse array of entities throughout her career. Her involvement spans across NGOs, the private sector, government agencies, and smallholders.
Bob Eko Kurniawan
Member of Supervisory Board
Bob Eko Kurniawan brings extensive experience in Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) with a particular focus on sustainable reporting. He holds a Bachelor of Economics from the National University and a Master in Urban Housing Management from Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Throughout his career, Bob Eko Kurniawan has been deeply involved in sustainability issues and project management.